The valuation of PetroChina's American depositary shares is close to the Hong Kong shares. 中国石油的美国存托股票估值与H股接近。
One hedge fund with about$ 3 billion in assets under management even put in an order for several billion dollars 'worth of American depositary shares, one of these people said. 前述了解内情人士中有一位表示,一家掌管30亿美元资产的对冲基金甚至订购了价值数十亿美元的美国存托股票。
He paid the equivalent of$ 40 per American depositary receipt ( the U.S.-traded shares of an overseas company). 他为该公司的每份美国存托凭证支付的价格为40美元。
Tudou has sold six million American depositary shares so far. 土豆目前已经发售了600万美国存托股票。